Collar HUD 6.3.34 refresh


Collar HUD has been refreshed to 6.3.34

What’s new:

  • Fixes Collar button not able to call up collar menu

Thanks Azrael Coeyman for reporting this!

How to update

If you’ve got yesterday’s or the beta version (vHUD6.3.33), just click the LULU logo: HUD Menu > HELP… > New HUD… and transfer everything over.

Otherwise, just update and remember to give out new Key Boxes for the new Leash Ring. If your existing collar is already v1.2.0, you don’t need to set up anything. At the setup screen, just click ‘transfer…’ to transfer everything over.


LULU Collar Update (HUD v6.3.33 now live)

LULU-Collar-v1-2The Beta HUD and uHUD are now live.

What’s new:

        • Leash Ring (v1.1.3) in new Key Box (v1.2.23):

– new settings menu (say /1r* or click and hold) allows it to be hidden while worn or dropped in-world, so you can wear your fav leash-holder over it.
– new command /1r has the same effect as clicking the Leash Ring.

        • uHUD

– various bugfixes to the AO, etc.

        • bugfixes

Full change logs here and here.

How to get yours

If you’ve got the latest betas (HUD v6.3.33 and uHUD v1.2.4), no need to do anything, they are the same but without the words ‘beta’.

Otherwise you can head out to the Secret Warehouse to update.


HUD v6.3.33 BETA refresh


HUD v6.3.33 Beta and Key Box v1.2.24 and Leash Ring v1.1.4

his refresh fixes a couple of bugs:

  • saying “/1l” will once again call the Collar menu (thanks Stormy Dench and perkCandy101!)
  • saying “/1r*” will call up the Leash Ring menu, which will now work. (Previously the menu would only work when you clicked-and-held the Leash Ring). (Thanks Kandy Giha)

If you have Collar v1.2.0, no need to set up. Simply

  1. Click the LULU logo on your HUD.
  2. HUD menu > HELP… > New HUD…
  3. Wear that, and you’ll get the transfer menu. Just transfer everything in.
  4. HUD menu > Give Key Box to your Owner, and ask him/her to get a fresh Leash Ring.

If you have an earlier Collar version, just go to the Update Switch and get a new Beta Collar, and set up. Then give Key Box to your Owner, and get him/her to get a fresh Leash Ring from that.



HUD v6.3.32 BETA is out with new Leash Ring


EDIT: If you’ve gotten the earlier HUD v6.3.31, please get a new one (HUD v6.3.32) as this fixes a “no copy” and “no transfer” issue with the Key Box. (Sorry!)

This is a minor HUD update with some goodies for those who want to use their own favorite leash holders with the LULU Collar, and those who’d like to use chat to activate the Leash Ring as well.

Leash Ring New (v1.1.3): 

  • clickable anywhere on the Leash Ring (even if your cursor doesn’t turn into the hand symbol when you hover over the Leash Ring).
  • settings menu – just click the Leash Ring and hold (or say “/1r*”). Settings allow you to:
  • hide the Leash Ring (in settings menu). Everything disappears, leaving a small transparent “ring” to which the chain attaches.
    • allows you to wear your favorite Leash Holder over the Leash Ring (choose “add” in inventory to wear multiple objects on one attachment point).
    • you can also drop it inworld and move it to the door knob or any other object you wish, whilst hidden.
  • say “/1r” – has the same effect as clicking the Leash Ring, giving you smart options depending on whether pet is here or not.
  • say “/1r*” – calls the settings menu (the symbol after “r” is an asterix or “star”).

Key Box (v1.2.23): 

  • wording change to include “Leash Ring” when the sub has the LULU Collar. 

HUD (v6.3.31)

  • HUD menu now has “take/give Key Box” instead of “take/offer keys”.

How to get it (no setup required):

Since the update is in the Beta HUD, the easiest way to do this is:

  1. HUD Menu > HELP… > New HUD…
  2. Wear the new beta HUD, and transfer your gear into this HUD (no setup required).
  3. Now, “give Key Box” (on the HUD Menu) to your owner, who will have to rez it and fetch the new Leash Ring (the keys can be denied “attach” if you want to get to the Leash Ring quickly).


♥ Lulu