Category Archives: Collar

Security check failure

If you log in or TP with the collar locked, you might trigger a security check failure.

Unfortunately I am away right now (yes, that pesky First Life thing, and yes, I’m sorry!), but will try to investigate and have a fix by this weekend.

Meanwhile, the only workarounds seem to be:

  • wear the collar unlocked, for now.
  • if you have HUD v6.2.x wear that (doesn’t matter if it says *OLD*) and wear the v1.0 collar, for now.

Good luck!

<3 Lulu

LULU Collar v1.1 is out

Collar 1.1 is here!

Loads of new stuff, bugfixes. Details below.

Get your Collar Updates at the Update Switch. Oh, the Update Switch is now a bit smarter. Doesn’t require any used collar and allows you to get both updates together if you’re lucky enough to have both!


Collar v1.1.36 What’s New:

  • uHUD v1.1 Shared Folders. New features, bugfixes. See below for more.
  • Hide Bell. For those who aren’t into shiny jiggly things.
  • Leather collar slightly thinner-looking.
  • HUD menu: redesigned navigation, smoother feel. Now, with menu-based gender, channel changes.
  • Scripts: optimized rez scripts and processes. Removed two scripts.
  • Deed: copiable web address for you to paste into your SL profile, FB/Twitter/Blog profiles. Accessible from Collar Menu.
  • Security Check: Improved, less fails in laggy sims (for collar, cuffs, gags).
  • Many minor improvements.


  • No more crawl anim on TP when not in pet-crawl.
  • Discreet mode now survives relog.
  • Gender issues, males with some female text.
  • Various minor bugfixes.

uHUD What’s New:


  • RLV Shared Folders, with Sub Folders, and Lock.
    By Nagi Michinaga.
  • RLV Relay updated with owner-only lock/unlock.
    By Chloe1982 Constantine.
  • Mesh Cage, with anim and with working doors, for rezzing.
    By Petite Pixie.
  • Synchronized Locking. uHUD will be locked when any LULU Gear is locked, or when any RLV plugin requires it. Unlock is only possible when all Gear are unlocked, and all plugins permit it.
    – sub will be informed which feature  is causing the uHUD to not be detachable.
  • Rez Object will now auto-forcesit as well. Tip: relog will re-forcesit.
  • RLV Get Status will show current RLV version.

New API or functions:

  • rlvVer: active RLV version.
  • rlvHUDLocked: TRUE when main HUD is RLV-locked (which is when any LULU Gear is locked by key).
  • gearLocked: will show which LULU Gear is locked (==> uHUD is also locked). Bitwise 1= Gag locked, 2 = Cuff locked, 4 = Collar locked. When isRLV == TRUE, when gearLocked is positive, it means both the main HUD and uHUD are also locked.
  • ownerPressed(id,errMsg) : function will return TRUE if id is sub’s owner, so you can process the button. If FALSE, will automatically send errMsg (or default msg saying this button is for sub’s user, if blank).
  • lockUHUD(pluginName,boolean): function to lock or unlock the uHUD, in such a way that will sync with all other plugins and the main HUD. Will only unlock if everything allows.

LULU Collar Tip: Search the Public Register

One of the nicest things about the LULU Collar is that it comes with the Ownership Deed, which has a lot of useful information about the sub.

This deed is available for public viewing in the LULU Public Register. Unless of course, the options are set to private.

This means that besides viewing yourself, or your sub, you can search for  just about anyone, in the Public Register!

Go on, give it a spin! To start, just click the Public Register on the sidebar to the right of this post.

♡ Lulu

LULU Collar Tip: “?” Is Your Friend

Lost? Not sure where to start?

The LULU Collar and uHUD is designed for you to explore the buttons and to discover stuff.

But sometimes we need a little helping hand.

Say “/1.l” to get the collar menu, and at the bottom right, there’s the “?” button. It’s your friend.

Same thing with the uHUD. Say “/1..” and hit “?”. It will show you context-sensitive help.

(If it’s still not clear, IM me and tell me what’s missing!)

♡ Lulu


LULU Collar Tip: Wear It… Slanted.

The LULU Collar has lots of little surprises to fall in love with.

One of these is that you don’t have to wear the collar straight – that is, parallel to the ground.

You can actually slant it forwards and downwards a bit. Or a lot.

Either way, the bell will hang right, by itself. (Click image.) Make sure you’re not in Pet Crawl though, when you adjust your collar, or it won’t work.

Go on, be different.

♡ Lulu