A few of you would have had the notification by now: HUD 7.1 is out, after two weeks of early life as 7.1-beta.1. This version requires new keys for Owners, unless you’ve been on the 7.1-beta.1.
New improvements from 7.0:
- Bell now respects volume and pitch settings during choke (thanks Miriam Himanez!)
- Tattletale IMs more than one Owner (thanks digi256!)
- Locks by ex-Owners can now be unlocked (thanks LydiaPierce!)
- Smarter message when sub rezzes key and HUD not worn (thanks Darci!)
- Resolved Cuff Menu, Cuff detach sound issue (thanks Zelis!)
- Resolved right thigh Cuff issue (thanks Miriam!)
- Leashing stability improvements
To get yours, just wear your HUD7 and wait a few. Your Owners will automatically get the new Key Box too.
Thanks to everyone who tested 7.1-beta.1 and who reported bugs and improvements. HUD7 keeps getting better because of you!
♥ Lulu