HUD 5.7.0 Release Candidate out now

What’s new

  • White Cuffs: Signature Cuff white leather option will no longer revert to tan on relog.
  • Longer Security Check timeout: Lengthened Security Check timeouts, especially for logins (two minutes, even longer if sim freeze detected due to Mono scripts).
  • 37% lighter: Over a third lighter in scripts than before.
  • Reset: Only “quick reset” now, no more “forced reset”.
  • Better Stat Updates: Now if the HUD can’t contact LULU servers, will retry again later till it connects. Improved error handling. reliability, and less strain on both SL and LULU servers.

This is a Release Candidate, so I’d encourage all intrepid users to give this a go and see whether you can break anything. You don’t have to re-setup anything – just transfer your gear over.

To get this HUD, go to the Update Switch at the Secret Warehouse, and make sure you have the latest cuffs (v2.4.1) OR latest gag (v4.2.0). Update that – and you will be given an option of “HUD only”. Choose that. If your cuffs or gags are not the latest, you will not be given the option – you will simply be given the latest general-release HUD together with the cuffs/gag inside, which you need to setup. You can set that up and then get the RC HUD if you wish.

Do let me know if you find something amiss.

Just wear it, transfer your gear in, and just play actively with all the menus. Do a “/1.quickreset” often to see whether your settings are properly saved. Oh, and log in often in homesteads or laggy sims to see whether the security check is falsely triggered 😉

Have fun, Lulu

Security Check triggering alarm while logging in?

Is a Security Check timeout triggering your Signature Cuff or Gag alarm? I’ve had a couple reports of this.

If you wish to try the latest Release Candidate HUD (which extends the timeout to over 2 minutes, plus is 1/3 lighter in scripts!), IM me.


Lulu Ludovico

Easier TPs with Server 1.40.4

SL has recently patched all servers with 1.40.4, and one of the big fixes is TP.

Early reports are promising, that people have TP’d with a full set of cuffs worn.

What’s your experience?

Please IM me with your experience, whether good or bad.

