This weekend something happened. Well, the blog went down. Turns out it was due to one of the plugins. A bit of panic, research and debugging later, I managed to fix it.
But the blog now gave up a blank screen instead of the error message. So I upgraded to the latest WordPress version (which I haven’t done for a bit).
After a bit of prodding and coddling, the blog finally whirred back to life. Since I had already been sidetracked from my coding project for the day, I decided to go down the ‘blog’ path and explore what I’d always wanted to do but didn’t have time to get started: give the site a makeover.
So what was initially a one hour detour quickly slid down a slippery slope into hours as I tweaked this and that. And that and this. And…
Voilà. Hope you like it!
♥ Lulu
PS. I’m sure I’ll find something else to tweak tomorrow.
Lulu cuffs are OK but many other cuffs allow you to change the appearance, color, density, and gravity of the chain. It is disappointing to a bondage chick to have a few links of chain dribbling between her cuffs and not be able to tweak it to look exciting.
“a few links of chain dribbling between her cuffs”
This shouldn’t be happening – the chain particles are defaulted to a very high density. However, actual density appearance on your viewer could be lower if (a) your graphic options are not set to a high enough value (b) there are lots of other particle effects in your vicinity (c) your camera is not near enough to the chains.
Could you IM me inworld?