Woot! SL Viewer 1.19.1 (RC1)

Why am I so happy with the latest SL Viewer?

Well, some of you might know that the last SL RC Viewer (RC0) crashed on me every time I logged in. Yup, no Windlight (since the Lindens in their infinite wisdom merged Windlight into RC). Concierge customer support (as usual) yielded very little, other than asking me to start (yet) another JIRA entry, which usually means more work for me so the Lindens can sit back and laugh at our pathetic little efforts. (At least it feels that way.)

So, what little surprise to find RC1 released only a few days later (granted, the solution was found by a resident and posted on JIRA). And yay, I can login and Windlight is back! To those who can live without beauty, good for you. Me, I’m an aesthete. I thrive on art and aesthetics – it’s the one theme that I try to let permeate in all that I do, whether it’s textures, animations or vendors. So, I need my Windlight fix! With RC1, once again, there is a crackle in the ether above, and a sparkle in waters below. You can almost hear the evensong in between. I can create again.

And another bonus… Media Browser! Now you can open web pages right within Second Life. For once it seems the Linden gods are smiling upon me, methinks. Couldn’t have come at a better time, when I’m integrating my little online help with the Signature HUD.

The main problem with an online help is that you need leave Second Life, if only for a few minutes. Those few minutes are enough to spoil the fantasy for some. Now, with Media Browser, you remain in-world, and in a Windlight-world, to boot. Cool.

You know what this means right?

… exciting possibilities.

Luv, Lulu

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