Category Archives: uHUD

uHUD v1.2.5 beta out

uHUD-betaThis beta has a single fix: now Lock All Attachments and Lock All Clothes will correctly persist through log ins.

Thanks Estrella Seminario for pointing this out.

How to get yours:

If you own the latest LULU Collar v1.2 (HUD v6.3.27 and up),

  1. Go to the Update Switch
  2. Click the uHUD button.
  3. Select BETA.



uHUD v1.2 Beta




Some exciting new features in v1.2: improved AO with buttons and an intuitive Lock Clothes/Attachments system.

What’s New:

  • AO Buttons – New optional AO buttons: On/Off, Groundsit, Groundsit Anim, Sit Anim Overwrite. – Load multiple notecards for different AO styles. – Settings now persist through uHUD reset. By Nagi Michinaga and original ZHAO HUD scripters.
  • Lock Clothes and Attachments. By Azrael Coeyman.
  • pose: entering a uHUD pose will now pause the built-in AO.


  • Sub’s owner can now use command channels other than 1 to call the uHUD menu (e.g. “/500..”)

How to get yours:

If you own the latest LULU Collar v1.2 (HUD v6.3.27 and up),

  1. Go to the Update Switch
  2. Click the uHUD button.
  3. Select BETA.


Give it a spin, and if something doesn’t work right, IM me!

♥ Lulu

Sneak Peek: uHUD v1.1

Coming soon, uHUD v1.1  (i.e Utility HUD) will see several powerful features, including:

New features for RLV fans:

  • New RLV Shared folders with subfolders. It’s elegant, easy, but powerful. By Nagi Michinaga.

  • New mesh cage for rezzing, with doors, by Petite Pixie.

  • New uHUD lock (detach=n) feature whenever main HUD is locked, or when RLV Relay is on (by Chloe1982 Constantine/tKInc)

  • RLV version now displayed in RLV status.

New APIs for scripters
  • ownerPressed() function will automatically show error message for owner buttons, and will return user to previous menu.
  • rlvHUDLocked  global variable tracks whether main HUD (and hence uHUD) is locked (detach=n)
  • rlvVer global variable shows which RLV version is active.

Are you a scripter, or a toymaker? 

You can contribute to this community project!

The built-in controller script does all the heavy-lifting work of formatting dialog boxes and navigation, so you can easily add buttons and get to the fun stuff.

If you’re planning on sharing, IM me for the beta uHUD to access the new APIs.

Need more APIs or functions or more intimate integration with the LULU system? IM me.

Existing API list and examples are in the LULU.utility.rlv1.lsl and LULU.utility.plugin.lsl scripts. I need to find the time to put it all online.

My philosophy of the uHUD (versus collar features) here.
