Cuffs HUD v4.11.02 Silent Update + Release Candidate

Cuff HUD has been refreshed, mainly because there was an annoying bug where it will tell you setup was successful every time you logged in or wore your HUD. Some menu flow improvements and bugfixes as well.

More info here.

Have a good weekend!

Love, Lulu Ludovico

Tip of the Week #4 Signature Gag Trials

Tip #4 is courtesy of Layla Slade, who is well qualified as she sits at the top of the Signature Gag Scoreboard at a whopping 360 hours! She gives us some tips on how to get your name up there:

“1.- As weird as it may be a lot of people expect you to talk normally even if you’re gagged so always try to have a titler to state you can’t speak while gagged. It saves you a lot of time and if they don’t pay enough attention you can always point to your titler.

2.- Keep the chat and history window closed unless you plan on talking and when you’re done close it straight away. Many times you don’t try to say anything but something can land on your keyboard, a cat can walk by or you might simply type a letter or dot by mistake. Having chat and history close can make you avoid this issues and help you keep well behaved.

3.- Change windows if you’re stepping away from the keyboard for a while ESPECIALLY if you have pets or visits or children etc. This is due to the same exact reason as above but since you’ll be away it is good to take extra precautions.

4.- Double check what you’re typing, it is easy to forget a slash or a number and it can errase hours of gag time, just a couple of seconds of double checking can make quite a difference!

5.- If you plan to do MANY hours in a row, be mentally prepared remember SL can mess up, it can erase hours and it is always best to avoid high lag areas so don’t expect a ton of partying. If you know in advanced and you can, tell your friends and family what’s goning to happen. They are there for you and not being able to communicate freely isn’t always easy so a little extra support won’t hurt you.

6.- TP-ing isn’t always bad but when you make many hours it is better to just relog in region if possible* but even then SL is a mess.”

* Lulu’s note: relogging saves your “state” at that point in time. That is, unless Second Life’s servers mess up, which they do from time to time.

So there you have it, from the Queen of Gags herself. See your name up there!

Luv, Lulu Ludovico

Online help’s 100th Question Answered

Just a little over a month after starting the online 24/7 Help, and it has answered its 100th question.

I’ve also re-categorized a few questions so it’s easier to drill down from the root help page.

So, next time you have a question, head on to and do a search or drill-down. And if someone asks a question in group, direct them there for the answer.

Cheers, Lulu Ludovico

Just a little update on the leather Signature cuffs

Finally I’m able to get started on this again – and I know many are waiting for this. It’s a bit challenging sometimes when you’ve got a few projects running at the same time and need to change from one mindset to another – from sim issues to Photoshopping to debugging to blog/online help issues to vendor issues to customer support to scripting new stuff to photoshoots (SL and RL) to prim-design… You get the idea.

Anyhoo, all the prims have been made – not as easy as it sounds as certain cuffs, like the thighs are a lot bigger than the wrist or ankle ones, and are not simply re-sized versions. The scaling has to be more subtle so as not to overwhelm.

And just a little hint… the leather version will use… sculpties! Yup, leather, being organic, lends itself very well to the sculptie mode.

It will be a whole new look.

Luv, Lulu Ludovico